Development of Tools and Metodologies towards an User-Accessible European Network of Coastal Acoustic Mapping

Within the 7th Marco Program (Cooperation; Trans-national cooperation (EU) and International cooperation between the EU and third countries) the group will apply for a project concerning Environment (Including Climate Change).

Nowadays there are technologies and tools that enable us to acquire a detailed knowledge of coastal ecosystems. Unfortunately their cost is too high and the complexity of their implementation makes them unavailable for many sectors.

With the objective of designing a realistic project that tackles the design of an open methodology for the classification on benthic habitats by the use of acoustic methods, a scientific meeting organized by this group will be held on the 14th, 15th and 16th of January to combine ideas, establish objectives and assign responsabilities to the different colaborating groups that will be part of the project. The program of the meeting is here.

The objectives of this scientific meeting are:

  1. Definition of and realistic objectives fot the european project application “Development of Tools and Methodologies towards an User-Accessible European Network of Coastal Acoustic Mapping”.
  2. Assignment of responsibilities and tasks (workpackage) to each of the project participants.
  3. Write proposal for project application.


  • Víctor Espinosa Roselló, Isabel Pérez-Arjona, Vicente D. Estruch Fuster, Silvia Laura Falco Giaccaglia (Universidad Politécnica de Gandía)
  • Marek Moszynski (University of Gdansk, Poland)
  • Rosa Freitas (University of Aveiro, Portugal)
  • Noela Sánchez, Juan Freire, Inma Álvarez (Grupo de Recursos Marinos y Pesquerías, Universidade da Coruña)

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