“Polvo News” Ano I, No. 4
05/09/08 ,Raúl Madrid nos envía desde Brasil la cuarta entrega de POLVO NEWS, el boletín de edita el LABOMAR sobre el proyecto Polvo Nordeste:
En esta cuarta entrega, se habla del taller de Cogestión Pesquera realizado en Junio del 2008 en Cuntis (Pontevedra) y de las actividades realizadas durante el mismo.
Además, también tendréis la oportunidad de conocer la situación actual de la gestión del pulpo en el Arquipélago de Fernando de Noronha y en el Área de Protección Ambiental de los arrecifes de coral.
Este boletín además también contiene información acerca de las reuniones y acciones llevadas a cabo en el marco del proyecto.
Por último, tendréis la oportunidad de ver qué herramientas se utilizan para la identificación de las distintas especies de pulpo.
No os lo perdais.
Descargar “Polvo News” Ano I, No. 4 (pdf)
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Fishermen and scientists explore common ground in new project, GAP1
26/08/08 ,GAP1 Press release July 8 2008
European scientists and fishery stakeholders recently met in London to initiate cooperation on the science and knowledge to improve understanding and long-term management of fisheries within the EU.

In an interactive workshop, participants worked together in developing good practice for the participation of stakeholders in fisheries research. The experience of invited participants from Canada, Finland, Shetland Islands and representatives from the European Commission and Defra (Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, UK) made a valuable contribution to the success of the workshop. Steve Mackinson (Cefas, UK), coordinator of Bridging the Gap project expressed his enthusiasm of the outcomes of the initial meeting: “It was a very positive atmosphere with a lot of good will. It was an encouraging first-step in building the relationships for successful future collaboration”.
The GAP project includes 30 participants in partnerships from 15 science institutes and 15 fishery stakeholder organizations in Europe. During the next year, fishery stakeholders and scientists will share their expert knowledge in planning research case-studies that address issues of common interest.
GAP1 is particularly interested in learning about processes of effective collaboration and four of the cases have been selected for a more in-depth sociological study of how participants are exchanging knowledge. These case studies regard crab fisheries management in Devon, UK, Crayfish management in Lake Vattern, Sweden, marine protected areas in Malta and the mixing of in-shore and off-shore cod stocks in Norway.
The sociological studies will be carried out by Innovative Fisheries Management (IFM) at Aalborg University in Denmark and will be used to help improve the way future collaborative work is undertaken. Doug Wilson, Research Director at IFM points out: “The sociology of knowledge is playing an important and growing role in the management of fisheries and the broader marine ecosystem.”
The GAP1 project is funded under the 7th Framework, Science in Society programme of the European Commission. It contributes to the wider aspiration of the Science in Society programme by engaging the public and providing better conditions for collective choices on scientific issues relating to sustainable management of the marine environment.
Project information:
Duration: 1st April 2008 – 30th September 2009
Project coordinator: Steven Mackinson, Cefas, UK
Funding source: Science in Society programme of the Framework 7of the European Commission
Project number: 217639
Website: http://www.gap1.eu
Communications officer: Charlotta Jarnmark
phone: +46 761 602331
Work activity questions: Steven Mackinson,
phone:+44 1502 524295
III Gala de Premios Galicia Submarina
04/01/08 ,El pasado día 14 de diciembre de 2007 se celebró la III edición de los premios Galicia Submarina, organizada por la revista Espacio Submarino con la colaboración de Caixanova. Dos de los galardonados en el evento pertenecen al Grupo de Recursos Marinos y Pesquerías: Gema Casal, que recibió el premio de “Investigación” por su trabajo “Desarrollo de la infraestructura de datos básica de un sistema de información geográfica para las costas gallegas” y Ramón Muíño, que recogió el premio “Mar Limpio” como Investigador Principal del Proyecto “Manejo espacial del recurso langosta espinosa en las Islas Galápagos, Ecuador” (para más información sobre este último puede consultarse: Viaje de un (sub) naturalista V).
Adicionalmente fue proyectado un vídeo con algunas imágenes sobre el proyecto de las Galápagos que fueron montadas por los propios organizadores de la gala (algo apresuradamente por nuestra tardanza en entregar los originales) y filmadas por Pablo Pita, también de nuestro grupo:
Growth modelling in the spider crab Maja brachydactyla (J Crust Biol 2007)
26/09/07 ,
Corgos, A., M. P. Sampedro, E. González-Gurriarán & J. Freire (2007). Growth at moult, intermould period, and moulting seasonality of the spider crab Maja bracydactyla: combining infomation from mark-recapture and experimental studies. Journal of Crustacean Biology 27(2):255–262. PDF (287KB)
Growth at moult (for both the prepubertal and terminal moults), and moulting seasonality in the spider crab Maja brachydactyla in the Ría de A Coruña (NW Spain) was quantified within a mark-recapture experiment. Crabs 70-130 mm carapace length (CL) underwent a mean increase at moult of 32.4% from their pre-moult size, with no significant differences between sexes or moult types. Generalised Linear Models (GLMs) were used to construct growth models, employing a combination of information from the mark-recapture study and previous studies performed in laboratory and extensive culture to characterize driving factors. The first model revealed that study method growth did not differ between males and females. However, the effects of the study method (mark-recapture, laboratory, and extensive culture), the pre-moult CL and the interaction between them were significant. The smallest-sized crabs underwent a greater increase in size in the laboratory and culture studies, while the largest individuals underwent greater growth in the field. In the second model, the significant effects were pre-moult CL, moult type, and the interaction between the two variables, indicating that larger crabs showed higher growth rates in prepubertal moults. Mean intermoult period estimated for prepubertal moults in the field ranged 50-86 days, which was slightly lower than the 84.7 days observed in the laboratory. Prepubertal moults occurred primarily in spring and autumn in the field, while under culture conditions, the crabs moulted mainly in the spring. The intermoult period for terminal moults was estimated to be 90 days, slightly lower than the 104 days from the laboratory. The terminal moult took place generally in summer (June-September) both at sea as well as in culture. The intermoult period of juveniles at sea was highly variable, and some of the specimens did not moult for more than 5 months.
Una visión alternativa de la sostenibilidad (Grial)
22/08/06 ,Juan Freire (2006). Una visión alternativa de la sostenibilidad: mecanismos de mercado en la gestión y conservación de los recursos naturales (pdf) (versión en gallego, pdf). Grial. Revista Galega de Cultura 169:42-51.
Las limitaciones de la iniciativa pública. Alternativas basadas en derechos de propiedad y sistemas de mercado
- Los mercados de bienes y servicios ecológicos, la sostenibilidad y los movimientos ecologistas
- Ejemplos de iniciativas privadas y sistemas de mercado para la conservación
- Galicia: un futuro ambiental alternativo (y realmente sostenible)
Pesca artesanal y patrimonialización del conocimiento (PH Boletín del Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Histórico)
12/08/05 ,Antonio García-Allut (2004). La pesca artesanal, el cambio y la patrimonialización del conocimiento.
PH Boletín del Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Histórico,
Dossiers Temáticos PH, Boletín 44
(Re-conocer el patrimonio pesquero). [Versión html, versión pdf]
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