Digital narratives and eco-media, Subtle Technologies (Toronto)
08/06/10 ,Hace unos días participamos en el 13th Annual Subtle Technologies Festival 2010, que se ha celebrado en Toronto, presentando en el simposio los primeros resultados del proyecto Narrativas digitales. Subtle Technologies (The Place where Art and Science meet) estuvo dedicado este año a la sostenibilidad: “… an exciting line up of scientists, artists and designers will journey from around the world to share ideas, science and artworks that explore this year’s theme – Sustainability.”
Este es el resumen y la presentación que utilizamos:
Digital narratives and eco-media: An artistic experimentation in coastal communities
Karla Brunet & Juan Freire
We will present the process of creating digital narratives as an artistic experimentation in a coastal community. In a socio-ecological context, the exploration of place is a fundamental aspect of the narrative and experimental geography arise as the conceptual and practical framework. This artistic project was developed in Garapuá, a coastal location in Brazil (Bahia), in which local teenagers develop collaborative narratives of their territories using a combination of technologies and media such as: GPS, videos, photos, audio, texts, mapping and blogging. These narratives were constructed during workshops facilitated by a team of artists, scientists and educators.
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