Calendario de consumo de pescado responsable
22/05/14 ,Con motivo de la celebración del Día de la Ciencia en la Calle, en colaboración con O Canto da Balea, diseñamos un calendario anual para consumir pescados y mariscos de manera responsable. Hemos propuesto una especie de pescado y otra de marisco para cada uno de los meses del año, seleccionando las artes de pesca más sostenibles y respetando sus respectivos períodos reproductivos. Además añadimos el tamaño mínimo legal. Este es el resultado:
Comunicaciones presentadas en el II FDI de Roma
26/03/14 ,Entre el 3 y el 6 de marzo de 2014, Pablo Pita asistió al II Simposio Fishery-Dependent Information de Roma. Este es el resumen de la comunicación oral que presentó:
Different alternatives to traditional top-down management have been implemented over the last years in Galicia. Since co-management, largely based on TURFs, is successfully managing some marine benthic invertebrate fisheries, the fishery sector is interested in expanding bottom-up initiatives to other fisheries. The new CFP is also pushing to increase fisher’s involvement in the management of their fisheries, thus European bodies are funding co-management projects, like GAP2 and GEPETO.
GAP2 is using fisher’s TEK for mapping habitats and fishing grounds, and also data loggers and log-books to allocate CPUE of the fisheries in a study area (Ría of Arousa). GEPETO is focused in the management of the Galician octopus fishery.
The octopus fishery is a paradigmatic example of top-down management that generates many conflicts between fishers and policy makers. Managers complain that their regulations are routinely ignored, while fishermen argue that these regulations are implemented without their participation.
Meetings between fishers, scientists and policy makers have been performed to overcome a confrontation that is putting at risk one of the most traditional and economically relevant fisheries in Galicia. In the meetings, organized by GEPETO, information of the octopus fishery was provided by GAP2: interviews were performed to identify the fishing grounds of the fleet, while information on fishing routes and catch, collected in data-loggers and daily log-books, was used to obtain the distribution of CPUE.
We hope that, as a result of the meetings, will be opened a scenario that offers new perspectives for the management of the Galician octopus fishery.
Aquí la presentación:
Y esta es la comunicación en formato poster que también fue presentada en el simposio:
Próxima comunicación en formato póster
07/02/14 ,Este es el póster que presentaremos en el Segundo simposio Fishery-Dependent Information de Roma, que tendrá lugar entre el 3 y el 6 de marzo de 2014 (pinchar aquí).
World Conference on Marine Biodiversity 2011, Aberdeen (Scotland, UK). 26-30 September 2011
09/11/11 ,Tubío-Gómez, A.; Verísimo-Amor, P. & Muiño-Boedo, R. (2011). Spatial and temporal variability of fish communities in the Marine Reserve of Fishing Interest “Ría de Cedeira” (Galicia, NW Spain) and impact of the degree of protection. [digital object presentation]. World Conference on Marine Biodiversity, 26-30 September 2011. Aberdeen (Scotland, UK).
The Marine Reserve of Fishing Interest (RMIP) “Ría de Cedeira”, implemented in 2009, comprises the internal waters of the Ría Cedeira. Within the scope of the marine reserve are three areas with different degrees of protection, a reserve, two areas of special protection, and an area marina. This study characterizes the distribution and abundance of fish in different areas of protection in order to monitor the possible effect that the degree of protection exerted on them.
Using a BACI-type design (before-after-control-impact) are established, depending on their degree of protection, 6 sampling stations. Seasonally, from 2008 to 2010, we determined the abundance of species through visual census conducted by scuba divers along fixed transects of 100m in length.
We analyzed the spatial and temporal differences in fish communities at different levels of protection, type of substrate and time of year, through nonparametric multivariate techniques, using the statistical package PRIMER v.6 (Clarke & Warwick, 2001). Furthermore, accumulation curves were made using the ESTIMATES program (Colwell, 2009) to determine species richness in each of the study areas.
We have also collaborated on two other presentations:
– Félix-Hackradt, F.C.; Werner-Hackradt, C.; García-Charton, J.A.; Treviño-Otón, J.; Segovia-Viadero, M.; Tubío-Gómez, A.; Pérez-Ruzafa, A. & Marcos-Diego, C. (2011). Factors influencing habitat selection by fish recruits at rocky reefs in Western Mediterranean Sea. [oral presentation]. World Conference on Marine Biodiversity, 26-30 September 2011. Aberdeen (Scotland, UK)
– Werner-Hackradt, C.; Félix-Hackradt, F.C.; Treviño-Otón, J.; Segovia-Viadero, M.; Pérez-Ruzafa, A.; & Marcos-Diego; Tubío-Gómez, A. & García-Charton, J.A. (2011). Density effect and habitat characteristics of the distribution of predators fish species (Perciformes: Serranidae) in Mediterranean rocky reefs. [digital object presentation]. World Conference on Marine Biodiversity, 26-30 September 2011. Aberdeen (Scotland, UK)
39 th CIESM Congress-Venice, Italy, 10-14 May 2010
09/05/10 ,G. Cambiè, A. Cheilari, S. Kavadas and G. Petrakis. Depth and mesh size effect on discarding practices in trammel net fishery.
(Poster oral presentation)
II International Symposium in Marine Science, Vigo-Spain. 27-30 April 2009
24/04/09 ,Fernández-Márquez, D., Pita, P. and Muiño R. (2009). Spatial and temporal variability in the epibenthic megafauna assemblages in the marine reserve of fishing interest Os Miñarzos: influence of protection. II International Symposium in Marine Sciences. Vigo.
Abstract: The Marine Reserve of Fishing Interest Os Miñarzos (Galicia, NW Spain) is the first marine protected area declared in the whole Iberian Atlantic coast. Although administrative declaration took place on May 2007, it did not become effective until December 2007. The reserve has an extension of 2074 ha and it is made up by two no-take zones (where it is forbidden to practise any activity, excepting scientific research), and by a partially protected area, where restrictive rules about fishing and gathering shellfish were instaured.
This study describes the distribution and abundance of the epibenthic megafauna in the different zones of the reserve to monitor the possible future effects of the protection measures. Here we present our first year monitoring results, which establish the baseline conditions to test the magnitude of the protection effects in the years to come.
We have employed a BACI design (Before-After-Control-Impact), contempling three different level protection zones and uses: a closed area, a partially protected area, and an adjacent non-protected area (control zone). For these three zones species abundance and distribution were estimated by means of 100 m long transects. Two different transect sampling took place in each zone, covering sandy and rocky substrates respectively. Species abundance and distribution have been seasonally estimated in each zone. A SCUBA diver identified and counted the epibenthic megafauna in situ inside a frame of 0.25 m2 each 10 m. Species that could not be identified in situ were photographed or brought to the laboratory for identification.
We analysed the spatial and temporal differences in the composition, diversity and abundance of the epibenthic megafauna assemblages between the zones, in function of protection level, type of substrate, and season of the year.