II Jornada del Ciclo de Conferencias: ¿Cómo gestionar los ecosistemas costeros en el siglo 21?

El día martes 26 de febrero de 18:00 a 20:00 en el auditorio del centro social Caixanova en A Coruña, se celebrará la II Jornada del Ciclo de Conferencias: ¿CÓMO GESTIONAR LOS ECOSISTEMAS COSTEROS EN EL SIGLO 21? organizado por este grupo.

II Jornada

En esta jornada tendréis la oportunidad de escuchar a Raúl Mario Malvino Madrid, ingeniero de alimentos con amplia experiencia en acuicultura y pesca que actualmente trabaja en LABOMAR de la Universidade Federal do Ceará y a Sérgio Macedo Gomes de Mattos, superintendente de la Secretaria Especial de Acuicultura y Pesca en Pernambuco y experto en elasmobranquios con mucha experiencia en la gestión de pesquerías.

“El cultivo del camarón en Brasil como oportunidad de desarrollo e inversión” por Raúl Mario Malvino Madrid

“Gestión Pesquera en el Nordeste de Brasil” por Sérgio Macedo Gomes de Mattos

Así que os recomiendo que lo apuntéis en vuestra agenda y vengáis. Esta jornada es la segunda de una serie de sesiones de entrada libre en las que invitaremos a participar a expertos nacionales e internacionales para discutir sobre el reto que supone el manejo de los ecosistemas costeros en el siglo XXI.

Más información:

Áreas>Gestión Costera>¿Cómo gestionar los ecosistemas costeros en el siglo 21?

Visitors from Brasil

During the last week of february we’ll be hosting here in A Coruña a scientific meeting with relevant researchers from Brazil with whom we’re already colaborating ( PULPO Project).

The Brazilian visiting delagation will be formed by Reynaldo Amorim Marinho, Fisheries Engineer and Director of the Divisão de Pesca, and Raúl Mario Malvino Madrid, both form the Instituto de Ciências do Mar – LABOMARUniversidade Federal do Ceará, and Sérgio Macedo Gomes de Mattos, Presidência da República, Secretaria Especial de Aqüicultura e Pesca – SEAP/PR, Chefe do Escritório no Estado de Pernambuco.

The goal of the visit will be to develop a collaborative project between the Northeast of Brazil and Galicia with the objective of implementing participative management-system models also known as co-management. It will be based in the development of coastal fishing, particularly of artisanal small-scale fisheries in the northeast of Brazil, taking Galicia’s experience as a traditional fishing community as example. To achieve this goal, during the visit we will try to put the fishing sector into its context and within the history of its development and management policies for coastal fishing to critically discern where there was really development and management originating the gubernamental intervention. The exchange between the experiences of scientists and technitians of Spain and Brazil suggests the need of deepening and putting into a social perspective the knowledge about management objectives, the management systems developed and their applicability. As well as, the existing relations between management systems and organization of fishing activity, and the conflicts between sustainability and overexploitation that are part of any fishery and very important in coastal fisheries due to their inmediate social and economic consecuences. During this meeting there will be visits to different comunities of the fishing sector to help the understanding of the actual situation of fisheries in Galicia.

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