MAIA Workshop: MPAs Monitoring strategies

MAIA International Workshop is taking place in November 8 & 9, 2010 at Sesimbra (Portugal).

Organized by IPIMAR, Instituto de Investigação das Pescas e do Mar, the workshop’s aim is to define common monitoring methodologies to allow comparisons between MPAs performance within the EU Atlantic Arc Area. The working sessions are devoted to indicators covering environmental aspects (e.g. biodiversity; habitat functioning) and socioeconomics (fisheries and other activities) with focus on relevant monitoring methodologies in use in MAIA partners’ countries.

European Marine Protected Areas in the Atlantic Arc (MAIA) project aims to develop a network of MPA managers through the dissemination of methodologies and tools.

The deadline for registration is fixed by the end of this week, Oct. 29th. No fee is required to attend the Workshop. However, due to the limited number of available place, the registration is subject to later confirmation.

You can see the workshop’s agenda and register to attend the workshop here.

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