GAP1 Newsletter May – June 2009

Se ha publicado el boletín de noticias del proyecto europeo GAP1: Bridging the gap between science and stakeholders correspondiente a los meses de Mayo y Junio del 2009.

Se puede descargar la versión íntegra en pdf aquí, o consultar en html aquí.


GAP1 Newsletter May – June 2009

Fishermen bring scientists on board

Fishermen around Europe demonstrate that they can participate fully in the research for fisheries management. By engaging with scientists in developing plans for participatory research, they make collaborative research and scientific transparency into concrete realities. This effort could have a significant impact on the sustainability of European fisheries.

Press release:
Media invitation: Fishermen bring scientists on board – GAP1 project results exhibited at “MARE V- People and the Sea” in Amsterdam on July 9-10, 2009

Media Kit MARE V



MARE V “People and the Sea” in Amsterdam, July 9-10, 2009


GAP1 Workshop 2 Norwich, May 8, 2009

The purpose of the workshop was to share and take forward the experience of developing participatory research case-studies during GAP1. To use the links between case-studies in developing the rationale, concepts and technical outline for research proposals, aiming to combine and make useful the knowledge of fishermen and scientists.

Eleven GAP1 Case study groups are now approaching the stage of delivering scientific proposals for improved fisheries management in European fisheries. The facilitation of this development was made possible through the regional meetings of the GAP1 project, financed by the European Commission in the 7th Framework Programme. The meetings provided time for a deeper understanding of the different points of views in each group, followed up on progress in discussions and pursued development of proposals. In the process the variety of stakeholder representatives, ranging from social scientists to industrial ship owners were allowed to flavor the development of research subjects, each with their special interest in fishery and fisheries management. The various interests were then harmonized into specific research questions and developed into research proposals accepted by all participants of each case study. Stakeholder groups were highly appreciative of the facilitation of their work.

Read more…

New Results


  1. “Improving the way in which scientist and fishermen work together”
    Authors: Rikke Becker Jacobsen, Paulina Ramirez Academic affiliation: Aalborg Universitet, Innovative Fisheries Management, Denmark
  2. Bridging the gap between science and stakeholders: GAP1 – Common Ground
    Authors: Kai Wätjen, Melanie Bergmann, Charlotta Järnmark & Steve Mackinson
  3. “Bridging the gap between science and stakeholders”, General GAP1 project poster. Authors: Steve Mackinson, Suzanna Neville, Charlotta Järnmark

Good practice guide to participatory research between fisheries stakeholders and scientists

Good Practice Guide – Brochure

Case study progress summary

Portfolio of case studies for participatory research

Web updates

Case studies Progress Summary
Event list – (Contributions are welcome):

European Commission – Fisheries
European Commission Research information:
EU Parliamentary news updates:

Wishing all readers a warm and wonderful summer!

Steve Mackinson Project Coordinator:
Charlotta Järnmark Communications officer:

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