GAP1 Newsletter February 2009
10/03/09 ,Se ha publicado el boletín de noticias del proyecto europeo GAP1: Bridging the gap between science and stakeholders correspondiente al mes de Febrero del 2009.
Se puede descargar en pdf aquí, o consultarlo a continuación:
GAP1 Newsletter February 2009
How can the German Crangon crangon fishery of Wadden Sea respond to climate change? Interview with Kai Wätjen, Biologist, AWI, Bremen, Germany

Fisherman Daniel Ahrens cooking shrimps on board POLARIS, Photo: K. Wätjen
Brown shrimp or common shrimp, Crangon crangon is a common German fishery with a long tradition. In Germany the Wadden Sea fishery is a small scale fishery including around 230 vessels with about 2 or maximum 3 people in each boat. Local observations by fishermen indicate that there are impacts of climate change on the fish and decapod fauna in the Wadden area. The research of this GAP1 Case study group will investigate how climate affects the local fauna and try to suggest how the changes can be handled. Management plans currently also include the consideration of a certification of the fisheries with the MSC, Marine Stewardship Council.
“Due to sea level rise and temperature increase, the unique Wadden Sea and its residents, who live from the fishing industry, are facing a great challenge.”, Kai Wätjen says. Wätjen is a researcher at the Alfred Wegener Institute with a small cooperative of 7 boats as stakeholder partner. He regards his case study collaboration with one of their shrimp fishers to be running smoothly. The research questions developed by the group cover global change and response on climate change.
Read full interview
New Results
Proposals are currently being submitted to the workpackage leader from
the GAP1 Case study groups, deadline February 28 2009. Proposals will
be reviewed and discussed during GAP1 Workshop 2 in Norwich May 5th-8
Rikke Jacobsen of IFM is out and about, visiting case studies in the
UK, Malta and Sweden. Rikke will be talking with scientists and
stakeholders from the case studies to help learn about their
experiences of the collaborations initiated in GAP1, and whether they
met their needs and expectations. The messages learnt will be
discussed at the second workshop, contribute to a code of conduct for
initiating participatory research and help in future plans.
On 5th February 2009, GAP1 representatives met in Brussels to discuss
‘Engaging Stakeholders in Fisheries and Marine Research’ with the
European Commission and stakeholder representatives. Participants
shared their experiences and views on two main topics:
- How a deeper and more systematic engagement of civil society stakeholders can be enabled through European research activities
- Funding strategies and instruments needed to enable participation in research
The full report will be available in March. The pre-meeting briefing
will be available at:
Planned GAP1 events
- January 27 2009 – Press release Good Practice Guide
- May 5th-8th 2009 – Gap1 Workshop 2, a GAP1 conference and workshop will take place in Norwich UK, Press are welcome. Further details to be distributed in our newsletter:
- July 9-11 2009 – MARE: People and the Sea V, Amsterdam. Important conference for GAP1 dissemination to the scientific community, GAP1 exhibition.
- Fall 2009 – GAP1 Press event Code of conduct
Please review event list for suggestions on other events, contributions are welcome!
Web updates
Event list:
Case studies page:
UK; Devon Crab fisheries, Germany; Wadden Sea Shrimp fishery
Regional meetings new uploads:
Denmark; Herring study
Gap1 Monthly Newsletter:
Scientific news update:
EU Parliamentary news updates:
Wishing all readers a happy early spring!
Steve Mackinson Project Coordinator:
Charlotta Järnmark Communications officer:
The GAP project is co-funded by national governments and the EU under the Framework 7 research programme (Science in Society, Co-operative Research Processes). Project number 217639.
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