World Small-Scale Fisheries Congress – Bangkok, Thailand – October, 18-22, 2010.
17/11/10 ,Last month, Inés Naya had the opportunity of going to Thailand to the World Small-Scale Fisheries Congress (WSFC) celebrated in Bangkok in October, 18-22, 2010.
The congress was really social-oriented and during four days topics such as poverty alleviation, fishing rights, wellbeing, fisher’s livelihood, resilience, agency, gender issues, management and governance, community-based management, bycatch among many others were discussed.
Our contribution to the congress were two presentations on the topic of bringing scientific provision at the local level with the help of ‘barefoot ecologists’ and the like, and in the particular case of the technical assistants in Galicia.
I leave them here.
Also, you can download the extended abstract of this last presentation The Key Role of ‘Barefoot Ecologists’ in the TURF system of Galicia (NW Spain).