Archive for the ‘Gráficos’ Category

GLS intervalos de confianza

Friday, November 18th, 2011

Para aquellos que han leido Zuur (2009) “Mixed Effects Models and Extensions in Ecology with R” y en el capitulo 4 nos hace un plot de los predict del modelo sin intervalos de confianza al 95% y nos comenta que todavía no se ha desarrollado un código para calcularlos (predict.gls), pero que con un poco de código engorroso similar al de las ecuaciones de modelo lineales se podría obtener fácilmente. Ahí es donde por lo menos yo me quedé mirando la numeración de las páginas por si le faltaba alguna hoja, pero no, no se molesto en calcularlos ;)

Aquí esta la librería “rms”, que permite con la función Gls calcular los predict y graficarlos. El código cambia un poco pero esta basado en la librería “nlme”. Hay que fijarse en como se formulan los weights.

b3$BroodC <- NULL ##Eliminar una columna (datadist da problemas si en alguna columna hay NAs
dd <- datadist(b3); options(datadist='dd')  #opción de longitud necesaria para el Gls(  Gls {rms})
Form <- formula(log(Media) ~ logLc+fBrood2)
Ident<-varIdent( ~1 | fBrood2) 
M2<- Gls(Form,data=b3,weights = Ident)
###Ploteamos los residuales estandarizados
E <- resid(M, type = "normalized")
Fit <- fitted(M)
op <- par(mfrow = c(1, 3))
plot(x = Fit, y = E,
xlab = "Fitted values", ylab = "Residuals",
main = "Residuals versus fitted values")
hist(E, nclass = 15)
plot(E ~fBrood2, data = b3, ylab = "Normalised residuals")
text(as.numeric(b3$fBrood2),E,b3$Cod,cex=0.6) ##Para saber identificar las observaciones
####Plot de los predict values and 95% confidence intervals in Gls

Boxplot with outliers label & sample size

Thursday, February 3rd, 2011

Una herramienta útil para hacer un boxplot e identificar los outliers. La función del boxplot es la siguiente:

boxplot.with.outlier.label <- function(y, label_name, ..., spread_text = T, data, plot = T, range = 1.5, label.col = "blue", 
										jitter_if_duplicate = T, jitter_only_positive_duplicates = F)
	# jitter_if_duplicate - will jitter (Actually just add a bit of numbers) so to be able to decide on which location to plot the label when having identical variables...
	require(plyr) # for is.formula and ddply
	# a function to jitter data in case of ties in Y's
	jitter.duplicate <- function(x, only_positive = F)
		if(only_positive) {
			ss <- x > 0
		} else {
			ss <- T
		ss_dup <- duplicated(x[ss])
		# ss <- ss & ss_dup
		temp_length <- length(x[ss][ss_dup])	
		x[ss][ss_dup] <- x[ss][ss_dup] + seq(from = 0.00001, to = 0.00002, length.out = temp_length)
	# jitter.duplicate(c(1:5))
	# jitter.duplicate(c(1:5,5,2))
	# duplicated(jitter.duplicate(c(1:5,5,2)))
	# jitter.duplicate(c(0,0,1:5,5,2))
	# duplicated(jitter.duplicate(c(0,0,1:5,5,2)))
	# handle cases where 
	if(jitter_if_duplicate) {
		# warning("duplicate jutter of values in y is ON")
		if(!missing(data)) {	#e.g: we DO have data
			# if(exists("y") && is.formula(y)) {		# F && NULL # F & NULL
			y_name <- as.character(substitute(y))	# I could have also used as.list(
												# credit to Uwe Ligges and Marc Schwartz for the help
			if(length(y_name) > 1) {	# then it is a formula (for example: "~", "y", "x"
				model_frame_y <- model.frame(y, data = data)
				temp_y <- model_frame_y[,1]
				temp_y  <- jitter.duplicate(temp_y, jitter_only_positive_duplicates)	# notice that the default of the function is to work only with positive values...
				# the_txt <- paste(names(model_frame_y)[1], "temp_y", sep = "<<-") # wrong...
				the_txt <- paste("data['",names(model_frame_y)[1],"'] <- temp_y", sep = "")				
				eval(parse(text = the_txt))	# jutter out y var so to be able to handle identical values.
			} else {	# this isn't a formula
				data[,y_name] <- jitter.duplicate(data[,y_name], jitter_only_positive_duplicates)
				y <- data[,y_name]	# this will make it possible for boxplot(y, data) to work later (since it is not supposed to work with data when it's not a formula, but now it does :))
		} else {	# there is no "data"		 
			if(is.formula(y)) { # if(exists("y") && is.formula(y)) {		# F && NULL # F & NULL
				temp_y <- model.frame(y)[,1]
				temp_y  <- jitter.duplicate(temp_y, jitter_only_positive_duplicates)	# notice that the default of the function is to work only with positive values...
				environment(y) <- new.env()
				assign(names(model.frame(y))[1], temp_y, environment(y))
					# Credit and thanks for doing this goes to Niels Richard Hansen (2 Jan 30, 2011)
				# warning("Your original variable (in the global environemnt) was just jittered.")	# maybe I should add a user input before doing this....
				# the_txt <- paste(names(model_frame_y)[1], "temp_y", sep = "<<-")
				# eval(parse(text = the_txt))	# jutter out y var so to be able to handle identical values.
			} else {
				y <- jitter.duplicate(y, jitter_only_positive_duplicates)
	# the_txt <- paste("print(",names(model_frame_y)[1], ")")
	# eval(parse(text = the_txt))	# jutter out y var so to be able to handle identical values.
	# print(ls())
	# y should be a formula of the type: y~x, y~a*b
	# or it could be simply y
	if(missing(data)) {
			boxdata <- boxplot(y, plot = plot,range = range ,...)
		} else {
			boxdata <- boxplot(y, plot = plot,data = data, range = range ,...)
	if(length(boxdata$names) == 1 && boxdata$names =="") boxdata$names <- 1	# this is for cases of type: boxplot(y) (when there is no dependent group)
	if(length(boxdata$out) == 0 ) stop("No outliers detected for this boxplot")
	if(!missing(data)) attach(data)	# this might lead to problams I should check out for alternatives for using attach here...
	# creating a data.frame with information from the boxplot output about the outliers (location and group)
	boxdata_group_name <- factor(boxdata$group)
	levels(boxdata_group_name) <- boxdata$names[as.numeric(levels(boxdata_group_name))]	# the subseting is for cases where we have some sub groups with no outliers
	boxdata_outlier_df <- data.frame(group = boxdata_group_name, y = boxdata$out, x = boxdata$group)
	# Let's extract the x,y variables from the formula:
		model_frame_y <- model.frame(y)
		y <- model_frame_y[,1]
		x <- model_frame_y[,-1]
		if(!is.null(dim(x))) {	# then x is a matrix/data.frame of the type x1*x2*..and so on - and we should merge all the variations...
			x <- apply(x,1, paste, collapse = ".")
	} else {
		# if(missing(x)) x <- rep(1, length(y))
		x <- rep(1, length(y))	# we do this in case y comes as a vector and without x
	# and put all the variables (x, y, and outlier label name) into one data.frame
	DATA <- data.frame(label_name, x ,y)
	if(!missing(data)) detach(data)	# we don't need to have "data" attached anymore.
	# let's only keep the rows with our outliers <- function(xx, y_name = "y")
		y <- xx[,y_name]
		boxplot_range <- range(boxplot.stats(y, coef = range )$stats)
		ss <- (y < boxplot_range[1]) | (y > boxplot_range[2])
	outlier_df <-ddply(DATA, .(x),
	# create propor x/y locations to handle over-laping dots...
	if(spread_text) {
		# credit: Greg Snow
		temp_x <- boxdata_outlier_df[,"x"]
		temp_y1 <- boxdata_outlier_df[,"y"]
		temp_y2 <- temp_y1
		for(i in unique(temp_x))
			tmp <- temp_x == i
			temp_y2[ tmp ] <- spread.labs( temp_y2[ tmp ], 1.3*strheight('A'), maxiter=6000, stepsize = 0.05) #, min=0 )
	# max(strwidth(c("asa", "a"))
	# move_text_right <- max(strwidth(outlier_df[,"label_name"]))	
	# plotting the outlier labels :)  (I wish there was a non-loop wise way for doing this)
	for(i in seq_len(dim(boxdata_outlier_df)[1]))
		# ss <- (outlier_df[,"x"]  %in% boxdata_outlier_df[i,]$group) & (outlier_df[,"y"] %in% boxdata_outlier_df[i,]$y)
		# if(jitter_if_duplicate) {
			# ss <- (outlier_df[,"x"]  %in% boxdata_outlier_df[i,]$group) & closest.number(outlier_df[,"y"]  boxdata_outlier_df[i,]$y)
		# } else {
		ss <- (outlier_df[,"x"]  %in% boxdata_outlier_df[i,]$group) & (outlier_df[,"y"] %in% boxdata_outlier_df[i,]$y)
		# }
		current_label <- outlier_df[ss,"label_name"]
		temp_x <- boxdata_outlier_df[i,"x"]
		temp_y <- boxdata_outlier_df[i,"y"]		
		# cbind(boxdata_outlier_df,		temp_y2)
		# outlier_df
		if(spread_text) {
			temp_y_new <- temp_y2[i] # not ss			
			move_text_right <- strwidth(current_label)
			text( temp_x+move_text_right, temp_y_new, current_label, col = label.col)			
			# strwidth
			segments( temp_x+(move_text_right/6), temp_y, temp_x+(move_text_right*.47), temp_y_new )
		} else {
			text(temp_x, temp_y, current_label, pos = 4, col = label.col)
	# outputing some of the information we collected
	list(boxdata = boxdata, boxdata_outlier_df = boxdata_outlier_df, outlier_df=outlier_df)

Un ejemplo:

boxplot.with.outlier.label (Lip~Egon,Cod, varwidth=T, ylab="Lipidos(ug/mg)", xlab="Estado gonada", data=P1_98gon, ylim=c(50,350))
sample.size <- tapply(P1_98gon$Lip, P1_98gon$Egon, length) ####Codigo  para determinar el tamaño muestral <- paste("N=", sample.size, sep="")            ####Codigo  pegar N= a los datos de tamaño muestral
mtext(, at=1:length(unique(P1_98gon$Lip)), line=2, side=3)   ####Codigo  poner una linea de texto en el eje x en cada boxplot

Si queremos que no se superpongan los labels instalar el paquete {teachingDemos} y {plyr}

boxplot.with.outlier.label (Lip~Egon,Cod, varwidth=T, ylab="Lipidos(ug/mg)", xlab="Estado gonada", data=A99gon, ylim=c(50,350), spread_text = F) #añadimos spread_text=F

Fuente: R-Staistics blog

Ggplot2 graficas de barras de error

Thursday, January 13th, 2011

Empezar con ggplot2….

#introducir tabla de datos 
   z<- structure(list(Intermoult = structure (c(1L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 5L, 6L, 7L, 8L, 9L, 10L, 11L, 12L, 13L, 14L, 15L, 16L, 5L, 6L, 7L,
8L, 9L, 10L, 11L, 12L, 13L, 14L, 15L),.Label = c("Instar1","Instar2","Instar3 ","Instar4","Instar5 ","Instar6","Instar7","Instar8",
"Instar9","Instar10","Instar11","Instar12","Instar13","Instar14" ,"Instar15 ","Instar16"),class = "factor"), 
Way = structure(c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L , 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L), 
.Label = c(" Initial 200 larvae", " 80 larvae transferred from the mass culture"), class = "factor"),
Mean = c(8.4,7.6,9.4,11.3,16.7,10.3,17.3,14.2,13.4,14.4,14.2,16.4,19.0,22.3,27.0,NA,16.7,17.0,18.3,15.0,15.6,15.1,14.7,17.6,21.1,18.8,27.0),
SD = c(0.5,1.3,1.0,1.6,2.4,1.7,4.0,3.5,2.1,4.1,2.5,2.2,3.5,3.9,0.0,NA,5.0,6.7,5.8,4.7,4.0,2.6,2.1,3.2,4.5,1.3,0.0),
upp = c(11,19,13,15,20,15,22,22,17,25,19,20,25,28,27,NA,24,33,30,28,26,20,19,23,30,20,27),
low = c(8,6,8,9,13,9,12,10,11,12,10,13,14,19,27,NA,12,10,11,8,11,11,11,13,16,17,27)) ,
class = "data.frame",  ,row.names = c(NA, -27L) )
colnames(z)<- c("Intermoult", "Way", "Mean", "SD", "upper", "lower")
###Crear plot
pdf(file = "intermuda2.pdf", width = 6, height = 6, dpi= 600)    #Guardarlo como pdf
   labs(x="Intermoult",y="Intermoult Period (Days)")+ theme_bw()+ opts(legend.position = c(0.18,0.6))+ #colocar la leyenda 
 scale_colour_manual("", c(" Initial 200 larvae" = "#5CB0E2", " 80 larvae transferred from the mass culture" = "darkblue"))
   p + ylim(c(-1, 30))
 #Características del plot#########################
last_plot() + opts(panel.grid.minor = theme_line(colour = NA),
panel.grid.major = theme_line(colour = NA),
plot.background =  theme_rect(colour = NA, fill = NA),
axis.title.x = theme_text( face = "bold"),
axis.title.y = theme_text( face = "bold", angle = 90),
legend.key = theme_rect ( colour = NA, fill = NA))
#colocar graficos en una página (creamos un nuevo grid y seleccionamos la forma)
print(grid.arrange(plot1, plot2, plot3,plot4, plot5, nrow=1, ncol=5))   #ponerlos en columnas y filas

Grafico de las Medias (Escala eje Y)

Thursday, June 17th, 2010

Si queremos graficar las medias respecto a un factor plotMeans no deja ajustar los ejes. Para poder ajustarlos este script permite crear la función pm.stg (que funciona como plotMeans) que si lo pertmite.

pm.stg<-function (response, factor1, factor2, error.bars = c("se",
"sd", "", "none"), level = 0.95, xlab =
    ylab = paste("mean of", deparse(substitute(response))), legend.lab
= deparse(substitute(factor2)),
    main = "Plot of Means", pch = 1:n.levs.2, lty = 1:n.levs.2,
    col = palette(), ylimits=range(response))
    if (!is.numeric(response))
        stop(gettextRcmdr("Argument response must be numeric."))
    error.bars <- match.arg(error.bars)
    if (missing(factor2)) {
        if (!is.factor(factor1))
            stop(gettextRcmdr("Argument factor1 must be a factor."))
        valid <- complete.cases(factor1, response)
        factor1 <- factor1[valid]
        response <- response[valid]
        means <- tapply(response, factor1, mean)
        sds <- tapply(response, factor1, sd)
        ns <- tapply(response, factor1, length)
        if (error.bars == "se")
            sds <- sds/sqrt(ns)
        if (error.bars == "")
            sds <- qt((1 - level)/2, df = ns - 1, lower.tail = FALSE) *
        sds[] <- 0
        yrange <- if (error.bars != "none")
            c(min(means - sds, na.rm = TRUE), max(means + sds,
                na.rm = TRUE))
        else range(means, na.rm = TRUE)
        levs <- levels(factor1)
        n.levs <- length(levs)
        plot(c(1, n.levs), yrange, type = "n", xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
            axes = FALSE, main = main, ylim=ylimits)
        points(1:n.levs, means, type = "b", pch = 16, cex = 2)
        axis(1, at = 1:n.levs, labels = levs)
        if (error.bars != "none")
            arrows(1:n.levs, means - sds, 1:n.levs, means + sds,
                angle = 90, lty = 2, code = 3, length = 0.125)
    else {
        if (!(is.factor(factor1) | is.factor(factor2)))
            stop(gettextRcmdr("Arguments factor1 and factor2 must be factors."))
        valid <- complete.cases(factor1, factor2, response)
        factor1 <- factor1[valid]
        factor2 <- factor2[valid]
        response <- response[valid]
        means <- tapply(response, list(factor1, factor2), mean)
        sds <- tapply(response, list(factor1, factor2), sd)
        ns <- tapply(response, list(factor1, factor2), length)
        if (error.bars == "se")
            sds <- sds/sqrt(ns)
        if (error.bars == "")
            sds <- qt((1 - level)/2, df = ns - 1, lower.tail = FALSE) *
        sds[] <- 0
        yrange <- if (error.bars != "none")
            c(min(means - sds, na.rm = TRUE), max(means + sds,
                na.rm = TRUE))
        else range(means, na.rm = TRUE)
        levs.1 <- levels(factor1)
        levs.2 <- levels(factor2)
        n.levs.1 <- length(levs.1)
        n.levs.2 <- length(levs.2)
        if (length(pch) == 1)
            pch <- rep(pch, n.levs.2)
        if (length(col) == 1)
            col <- rep(col, n.levs.2)
        if (length(lty) == 1)
            lty <- rep(lty, n.levs.2)
        if (n.levs.2 > length(col))
            stop(sprintf(gettextRcmdr("Number of groups for factor2,
%d, exceeds number of distinct colours, %d."),
                n.levs.2, length(col)))
        plot(c(1, n.levs.1 * 1.4), yrange, type = "n", xlab = xlab,
            ylab = ylab, axes = FALSE, main = main, ylim=ylimits)
        axis(1, at = 1:n.levs.1, labels = levs.1)
        for (i in 1:n.levs.2) {
            points(1:n.levs.1, means[, i], type = "b", pch = pch[i],
                cex = 2, col = col[i], lty = lty[i])
            if (error.bars != "none")
                arrows(1:n.levs.1, means[, i] - sds[, i], 1:n.levs.1,
                  means[, i] + sds[, i], angle = 90, code = 3,
                  col = col[i], lty = lty[i], length = 0.125)
        x.posn <- n.levs.1 * 1.1
        y.posn <- sum(c(0.1, 0.9) * par("usr")[c(3, 4)])
        text(x.posn, y.posn, legend.lab, adj = c(0, -0.5))
        legend(x.posn, y.posn, levs.2, pch = pch, col = col,
            lty = lty)
Esta función, pm.stg, permite ya definir los limites de y:
dv <- rnorm(100)
iv1 <- factor(sample(letters[1:2], 100, replace=T))
iv2 <- factor(sample(letters[14:17], 100, replace=T))
plotMeans(dv, iv1, iv2, error.bars="se") # los limites de Y los impone R
pm.stg(dv, iv1, iv2, error.bars="se", ylimits=c(-1,1)) # los limites de Y los imponemos nosotros

Gráficos múltiples de barras de error

Tuesday, June 8th, 2010

Aquí os dejo el código para hacer un gráfico múltiple de barras de error.
Son las estimaciones con sus desviaciones típicas de dos parámetros de la ecuación de crecimiento de von Bertalanffy para erizos de mar del submareal.

Tuve que hacerlo por partes para que los plots de L8 y K me salieran con el mismo ancho.
Aquí teneis los datos originales por si quereis hacer la prueba:
Y aquí va el código:

figure4 <- read.csv("l8_k_estimates.txt",header=T,  sep=" ")
pdf("figure4b.pdf", width=8, family="Times") 
op <- par(mfrow=c(1,3), mai=c(0.5,0,0.5,0.2))
# Se añaden los labels
axis(2,at=seq(0.01,0.99, length.out=19), labels=figure4$name, tick= F, las=2, pos=c(1.1,1))
# Se añaden los estimadores de l8
dotchart(figure4$l8.value, pch=20, xlab="L8", color="grey20", xlim=c(min(figure4$l8.value)-max(figure4$l8.std),max(figure4$l8.value)+max(figure4$l8.std)))
# Se añaden los estimadores de k 
dotchart(figure4$k.value, pch=20, xlab="K", color="grey20", xlim=c(min(figure4$k.value)-max(figure4$k.std),max(figure4$k.value)+max(figure4$k.std)))

Predictions and/or confidence (or prediction) intervals on predictions

Tuesday, May 25th, 2010

Los intervalos de confianza de la funcion predict nos han dado muchos quebraderos de cabeza!
El codigo calcula los intervalos de confianza de los fitted values de los predict !!

fm1 <- lme(distance ~ age*Sex, random = ~ 1 + age | Subject, data = Orthodont) 
newdat <- expand.grid(age=c(8,10,12,14), Sex=c("Male","Female")) 
newdat$pred <- predict(fm1, newdat, level = 0)
Designmat <- model.matrix(eval(eval(fm1$call$fixed)[-2]), newdat[-3]) 
predvar <- diag(Designmat %*% fm1$varFix %*% t(Designmat)) 
newdat$SE <- sqrt(predvar) 
newdat$SE2 <- sqrt(predvar+fm1$sigma^2)
pd <- position_dodge(width=0.4) 
  geom_linerange(aes(ymin=pred-2*SE,ymax=pred+2*SE), position=pd)
## prediction intervals 
   geom_linerange(aes(ymin=pred-2*SE2,ymax=pred+2*SE2), position=pd)

Fuente: Wikidot

Plots de Linea de Costa

Friday, May 14th, 2010

Hay webs como que nos permiten extraer los datos de lat y long de la linea de costa de todo el mundo a escala 1:250000. Pudiendo seleccionar con zoom aquella que queremos con exactitud (para evitar archivos con muchos datos y dificiles de manejar). Se selecciona en formato Splus y nos da un archivo .dat que abrimos y guardamos en formato .txt.

Galicia<- read.table("Galicia.txt")
names(Galicia) <- c("Longitud","Latitud")
# Usando plot() la costa sale desproporcionada
plot(Galicia$Long, Galicia$Lat, type="l", xlab="Longitud",ylab="Latitud")
# Usar mejor "eqscplot()"
#tol premite ajustar los margenes para encajar el mapa

*Es necesario instalar y cargar el paquete MASS

DatosCoordenadas Galicia

Gráficos en R: Chuletas para ponerlos bonitos

Wednesday, April 28th, 2010

A la hora de poner bonitos los gráficos en R es buena idea tener a mano qué colores y símbolos podemos utilizar para hacerlo.

Os dejo aquí la lista de colores y la de símbolos con el script para que las podais crear vosotros mismos:

Descargar versión en pdf

# Colores en R
pdf("ColoursInR.pdf", width=11.7, height=8.5)
legend(x="topleft",colors(), pch=15, col=colors(), bty="n", ncol=10, cex=0.5, pt.cex=1, inset=0)

Descargar versión en pdf

# Símbolos en R
pdf("SymbolsInR.pdf", width=5.5, height=4.5)
legend(x="topleft", as.character(0:25), pch=c(0:25), bty="p", ncol=4, cex=1.5, pt.cex=1, inset=0)

Fuente original: aquí.

Leyenda en multiples plots

Tuesday, April 27th, 2010

Si haceis multiples plots y quereis colocar la leyenda debajo de todos ellos o a un lado. Primero, podeis determinar los margenes o aumentar las columnas o filas con par(mfrow=c(3,2)). El comando que hay que añadir es xpd=TRUE

opar <-par(mar = c(20, 4, 4, 4)) #Con par guardamos las opciones gráficas que queremos
#en este caso  aumentamos los  margenes
par(xpd=TRUE)  #xpd para poder usar los margenes
legend(locator (1),lty=1, col="black", legend="straigh line")
#locator nos  permite colocar una o varias leyendas donde le  señalemos con el ratón
par(opar) #restauramos las opciones de graficos iniciales