The Barefoot Ecologist’s Toolbox Workshop (BET)



BET Workshop
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The group of Marine Resources and Fisheries of the University of a Coruña, as a part of the project “From marine metapopulations to ecosystem management: molecular markers, remote sensing and simulation modelling” (CONNECT, CTM2006-09043/MAR) funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science is organizing a workshop titled The Barefoot Ecologist’s Toolbox Workshop from the 26th to the 28th of November of 2007 in Aldán (Pontevedra).

Assistance to the workshop is available only by invitation; however some plenary conferences of the international experts participating are being organized as public activities.The objective of the workshop is to discuss by a panel of international and Galician experts in population dynamics, fisheries management and visualization and modelling tools to discuss and design a workplan for the development of tools that can help the ‘barefoot ecologists’ of the world (fishers and their local technical support) to manage their stocks day-to-day on their own, and where the biologists would act as advisers to support them when needed or when special situations arise.

The general idea is to design and develop generic open source software that could be easily adapted to different fisheries and in which everyone interested could contribute with ideas and code. These tools would range from a series of software applications to evaluate management policies to manuals for monitoring design and data processing and analysis. In a later stage it could also be possible to turn that software toolbox into a Serious Game where the ‘untrained’ users could feel confortable dealing with it and learn to be Barefoot Ecologists.

Antecendents and previous proposals:

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