MAIA:Marine Protected Areas in the Atlantic Arc
Acronym: MAIA
Funding entity: European Regional Development Fund. European Territorial Cooperation programme for Transnational Cooperation in the Atlantic Area
Scientist in charge: Olivier Laroussinie (AAMP-Agénce des Aires Marines Protégées)
Years: 2010-2012
Abstract and objectives:
The EU’s “Marine Strategy Framework Directive” of 17 June 2008 specifies that an “important contribution to the achievement of good ecologic status lies in establishing marine protected areas”. To fully meet this new goal, a number of English, French, Spanish and Portuguese partners have developed the first cooperation project on the Atlantic arc which is entirely devoted to marine protected areas. Called MAIA for Marine protected Areas In the Atlantic arc, the project aims to:
-share experience on how to draw up management plans for activities which take place in existing marine protected areas (MPAs) and thus fulfil the nature conservation objectives that justified their designation,
-define and implement joint methodology to identify the marine areas, both inshore and offshore, whose habitats and/or species justify special protection or management.
Work will be carried out in close collaboration with professional fishermen who are particularly concerned by these issues, both geographically and economically.