

Projects in course:

AMP-MEX:Marine Protected Areas as a Conservation and Fisheries Management Tool: The Experience in the Coast of Galicia as a model for the Mexican Pacific (C/024954/09)

CONNECT: From marine metapopulations to ecosystem management: molecular markers, remote sensing and simulation modelling

LAPA:Patella, a specific resource in expansion. Basic scientific knowledge for sustainable explotation.

MAIA:Marine Protected Areas in the Atlantic Arc

Narrativas Digitales

SANTIAGUIÑO: Study of the Reproductive Biology and Larval Development of the Santiaguiño Scyllarus arctus: Basic Knowledge Towards a Sustainable Fishery Management

SARGAL: Invassion of the algae Sargassum muticum in Galicia: Scope and Factors Affecting its Expansion

YOFF: Development of a sustainable management strategy and comunity development of the artisanal fishery in Yoff (Peninsula of Cape Verde, Senegal)

Former projects

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