GIS_Currents research projects
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    From marine metapopulations to ecosystem management: molecular markers, remote sensing and simulation modelling (CONNECT).
    Code: CTM2006-09043/MAR
    Institution: University of A Coruña
    Supported by: Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (Ministry of Science and Education).
    Main researcher: Juan Freire Botana
    Date: 2006-2009

    Direct assessment methods and population dynamics in marine sessile resources: the case of the sea urchin (Paracentrotus lividus) fishery in Galicia (OURIGAL).
    Code: CTM2005-07645/MAR
    Institution: University of A Coruña
    Supported by: Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia (Ministry of Science and Education)
    Main researcher: Luis Fernandez
    Date: 2006-2008

    Development of a protocol for the analysis of the interaction between land use change and the assessment of marine environment in the Galician coasts (Fisterra)
    Code: PGIDIT05SIN079E
    Institution: University of A Coruña
    Supported by: Xunta de Galicia (Galician Authonomical Government).
    Main researcher: Juan Freire
    Date: 2005-2008

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