Inés Naya
Name: Inés Naya
Contact: inaya[arroba]
Works in: Recursos Marinos y Pesquerías – Facultade de Ciencias – Universidade da Coruña
Research Field: Fisheries Management & Population Dynamics
PhD. project: “Simulation Modeling of Sea Urchin\’s Marine Populations. Applications to the Management of Resources and Ecosystems”
See curriculum vitae (in spanish): Download (Not updated)
Hobbies & Other things I spend my time with: Computers, photography, rockclimbing, swimming …
WORKBITS: From the 19th of September to the 30th of November 2008 I was in Puerto Madryn (Argentina) with Ana Parma and Lobo Orensanz learning about Metapesca and fisheries management in general.
Inma and I were in charge of the organization of the “Barefoot Ecologist\’s Workshop”, that took place the last week of November of 2007 and organized by the Group.
The 12th of September I obtained my Diplome of Advanced Studies. Here you have the presentation I did: DEA\’s Presentation (pdf)