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Ouréns R, Fernández L, Freire J (2011). Geographic, population, and seasonal patterns in the reproductive parameters of the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus. Marine Biology, 158 (4): 793-804. DOI 10.1007/s00227-010-1607-1
Keywords: sea urchin, gonad index, habitat, life history, Paracentrotus lividus, population dynamics, reproductive cycle, spawning season
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Sánchez-Carnero N, Couñago E, Rodriguez-Perez D, Freire J. Exploiting oceanographic satellite data to study the small scale coastal dynamics in a NE Atlantic open embayment. doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2011.03.007
Keywords: coastal zone; GLM; Scientific satellites; ocenographic variables; Spatial and temporal variations
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Generación de una línea de costa digital de Galicia (NW España) a gran escala, utilizando fotointerpretación y segmentación dinámica
Keywords: línea de costa; digitalización; SIG; ortofotos; criterios
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Estudio preliminar mediante telemetria sobre el uso del hábitat de 3 grandes depredadores costeros del Noreste Atlántico
Keywords: Peces depredadores costeros; Uso del hábitat; Fidelidad al hábitat; Área vital; Temporalidad diaria; Marcado; Telemetría; VR2; VR100
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Impacts of Recreational Scuba Diving on Benthic Assemblages in Cabo de Palos-Islas Hormigas Marine Reserve
Keywords: Marine Reserves; Dive Impact
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Influence of Short Term Protection in the Epibenthic Megafauna Assemblages in Os Miñarzos Marine Reserve (NW Spain)
Keywords: Marine Reserves; Epibenthic Megafauna
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Brunet, Karla & Juan Freire (2010). Cultura digital e geolocalização: a arte ante o contexto técnico-político. VI ENECULT. Encontro de estudos multidisciplinares em cultura. 25 a 27 de maio de 2010. Facom - Universidade Federal da Bahia - Salvador - Bahia - Brasil
Keywords: Geolocation; Digital culture; Mapping; Art
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Brunet, Karla & Juan Freire (2010). Location in art and technology: places and/or spaces. En, Paralelo: Unfolding Narratives in Art, Technology & Environment / Paralelo - Narrativas em Percurso: sobre Arte, Tecnología e Meio-Ambiente. Eds. Gisela Domschke, Bronac Ferran, Roberta Mahfuz, Annette Wolfsberger. Ed. Virtueel Platform, pp. 104-121. ISBN 9108052789490
Keywords: Art; Technology; Environment; Geography; Space
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Fernández, L., García, C. & Alborés, I. (2010). Morphological Changes in the Larval Development of the Lesser Slipper Lobster Scyllarus arctus. 9th Larval Biology Symposium, 23-27 August 2010, Wellington, New Zealand.
Keywords: Larval development; Scyllarus arctus; Phyllosoma
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Freire, J. (2009). Urbanismo emergente: ciudad, tecnología e innovación social - Emerging urban planning: city, technology and social innovation. En: Paisajes Domésticos / Domestic Landascapes, Vol. 4 Redes de Borde / Edge Networks, pp. 18-27. Ed. SEPES Entidad Estatal de Suelo, España.
Keywords: Urbanismo; Social Innovation; Innovación social; Urbanism; Internet; Pensamiento de diseño; Design Thinking; Redes P2P; P2P Networks
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